Make Them Last
Help Us Create an Endowment for The Alabama and The Lyric Theatres.
Make Them Last
Help Us Create an Endowment for The Alabama and The Lyric Theatres.
Did You Know?
Whether open or not, the Alabama and Lyric cost more than $40,000 per month to maintain. How could that be? Easy.
- Insurance,
- HVAC must remain on to maintain the century-old plaster,
- Both theatres must be cleaned regularly,
- Taxes must be paid, and
- Normal physical deterioration (roofs, electrical, plumbing, etc.) must be addressed whether events are held or not.
And consider this…
Image if you hosted thousands at your century-old home. That’s what we do on a regular basis and are constantly faced with dramatic wear and tear that requires constant maintenance–not to mention unplanned structural, electrical, plumbing, and other significant issues that occur frequently.

Providing a perpetual source of income for ongoing maintenance and required repairs for
The Alabama & The Lyric Theatres.
Thank you for your interest and support!
Every little bit helps us reach our $5 million goal. Make cash donation RIGHT NOW by filling out and submitting the form below.

Legacy Gifts
Because an endowment is a longterm investment , you might consider doing something even more lasting.
Options could include:
- Outright gift of appreciated securities
- Donor Advised Fund
- Gift in your Will or Living Trust
- Beneficiary Designations
- Charitable Gift Annuity
- Gift of Real Estate
- Charitable Remainder Trust
- Charitable Lead Trust
- Tax-free Gift with an IRA